"This'll do for appetizers - I'll have PB&J for dinner and Strawberry Shortcake for dessert," suggests Fabian Brockhoff.
Sergei Wilkens meets Rambo: "Hey, we're both sorta camo-colored, aren't we? You're a greyt welcome present!"
"Take that, Shadow! All that screaming won't help you. It is I, Zorro Bray, who casts the largest shadow of all."
"I am Speedy Snyder - when I wanna be. Sometimes, like when I feel like cuddling with Fruit Loops, I prefer Sleepy Snyder."
Cara Bast appears to be giving Fletcher a Raspberry while keeping Fruit Loops under cover. "You can't have 'im, Fletch!"
"Maybe if I curl up tight around my Easter Froggie, nobody will ever know I'm hiding him." (Brandy Vaceluke)
Nits and kisses, Maude, means Abby Bray loves you best.
You're cheating, Zinnia. This is a monkey page.
"I didn't steal her, I rescued her," explains Brynn Brockhoff
"A full tummy, a soft bed, my own gorilla..." ponders Cache Sampson. "It's a little slice of heaven, isn't it?"
Lexi Bray seems perplexed: "It's mine? To keep? It's awful noisy. So, what am I supposed to do with it?"
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